NCL - The National Community League NCL - The National Community League

Week 3 - NSL News

August 21, 2011

As we enter week 4 of the 7 week conference chase, powerhouse NSL teams are being challenged by new teams in the league as well as veteran teams making vast improvements.  Newcomers, the Sunshine Strikers 1 and 2 and the Dawsonville Rollers are raising eyebrows as they continue to post competitive scores.  Veteran teams the Perfect Pin Busters and the Wii Warriors and Wii Rangers are pushing for championship status.

Individually, the NSL 300 Club continues to gain new membership with Jack Lucas (Stryke Force) and Tommy Buttrum (Happy Strikers) joining 14 fall members totaling 31 games of perfect Wii bowling.  NSL Shoutouts to Carolyn Hayes (Dawsonville Rollers) and Vestal Thomas (Golden Spurs) for rolling 600 series.  Carolyn in Week 2 and Vestal in Week 3.

We’ve have had a few concerns about the different levels of play in the league.  First and foremost, remember that the NSL is for fun, is social, builds friendships within communities and builds team spirit among teammates and within the community.  As for the different levels of ability - the top Wii bowlers (1) are serious about their scores; (2) remain competitive; (3) practice more than they play: and (4) have been Wii bowling for a long time.  The NSL takes the different levels into consideration when at the end of 7 weeks of league play, the 3 week playoff series is divided into the Championship Division, the Elite Division and the Master Division - all by level of play.  Everyone has a chance in the final weeks to win.  Most of all remember to have fun!

The new NSL website is up and running.  A few tweaks remain.  Please visit the blog found on the front page each week.  Also, write about your team and add team photo’s when you post scores as both appear on the front page of the statistical records.  Help get the word out about your team and their successes.  Tell your friends and friends and family of team members to view the site for updates.

If you have any comments or questions, call me (435 714 9491) or e-mail .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).